Journal publications
- Ghosh-Jerath S, Kapoor R, Barman S, Singh G, Singh A, Downs S and Fanzo J. Traditional Food Environment and Factors Affecting Indigenous Food Consumption in Munda Tribal Community of Jharkhand, India. Front. Nutr. 2021; 7:600470. doi:10.3389/fnut.2020.600470.
- Singhal D, Lyngdoh T, Prabhakaran P. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Study of Health Risks among E-waste Recyclers in Delhi. Journal of Health and Pollution. 2021; 11(29):210306.
- Zodpey S, Negandhi H, Tiwari R. Human Resources for Health in India: Strategic Options for Transforming Health Systems towards Improving Health Service Delivery and Public Health. Journal of Health Management. 2021; 23(1):31-46.
- Rajbhandary R, Negandhi P, Sharma A, Zodpey S. Using the SCORE for Health Data Technical Package to strengthen primary health care. WHO South-East Asia J Public Health. 2021; 10(Suppl. 1):87-90.
- Zodpey S, Salunke S. Celebrating small victories – My journey through two decades of AIDS response. Indian J Public Health 2021; 65:89-90.
- Karan A, Negandhi H, Hussain S, Zapata T, Mairembam D, De Graeve H, Buchan J, Zodpey S. Size, composition and distribution of health workforce in India: why, and where to invest? Hum Resour Health. 2021; 19(1):39. doi: 10.1186/s12960-021-00575-2.
- George J, Gautam D, Devasenapathy N, Malhotra R. Is It Worth Delaying Total Knee Replacement as Late as Possible? A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Using a Markov Model in the Indian Setting. Value Health Reg Issues. 2021; 24:173-80.
- Ray S, Neogi SB, Singh R, Devasenapathy N, Zodpey S. Is IV iron sucrose a cost-effective option for treatment of severe anaemia in pregnancy as compared with oral iron? Health Policy Plan. 2021; 35(10):1339- 46.
- Mulchandani R, Lyngdoh T, Kakkar AK. Deciphering the COVID-19 cytokine storm: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Clin Invest. 2021; 51(1):e13429.
- Rai SK, Zodpey S, Ghosh S, Kadri A. Joint Statement on COVID – 19 Pandemic in India: Review of Current Strategy and the Way Forward. Indian J Comm Health. 2020; 32(2 – Special Issue):170-74.
- Rana M, Kundapur R, Maroof A, Chaudhari V, Kadri A, Kumar P, Zodpey S, Garg S, Agrawal A, Bapat N. Way ahead – Post Covid – 19 Lockdown in India. Indian J Comm Health. 2020; 32(2 – Special Issue):175-83.
- Devara R, Zodpey S. National Medical Commission Act, 2019. EPW. 2020; 55(12): ISSN (Online) – 2349- 8846
- Global Burden of Disease Study 2017, Collaborators:, Kumar GA, Zodpey SP, Dandona L, Dandona R. Global injury morbidity and mortality from 1990 to 2017: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Inj Prev. 2020; 26(Supp 1):96-114.
- Devasenapathy N, Malhotra R, Mittal K, Garg B, Kumar V, Zodpey SP, Dogra H, Maddison R, Belavy DL. Higher Disability in Women Than Men Scheduled for Total Knee Arthroplasty for Degenerative Osteoarthritis: A Cross-Sectional Analysis from India. ACR Open Rheumatol. 2020; 2(6):309–19.
- India State-Level Disease Burden Initiative Child Mortality, Collaborators: Dandona R, Kumar GA, Pandey A, Krishnakurtty RP, Malhotra R, Mathur MR, Mutreja P, Varghese CM, Reddy KS, Golechha MJ, Ghosh-Jerath S, Zodpey SP, Murthy GVS. Subnational mapping of under-5 and neonatal mortality trends in India: the Global Burden of Disease Study 2000-17. Lancet. 2020; 395(10237):1640-58.
- Chand H, Chopra M, Sharma J. Disparity in knowledge, attitude and practice among mothers of children under three years of age about early initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding and continued breastfeeding in Alwar district, Rajasthan, India. Int J Sci Rep. 2020; 6(4):146-53.
- Kinra S, Mallinson PAC, Cresswell JA, Bowen LJ, Lyngdoh T, Prabhakaran D, Reddy KS, Vaz M, Kurpad AV, Davey Smith G, Ben-Shlomo Y, Ebrahim S. Relative contribution of diet and physical activity to increased adiposity among rural to urban migrants in India: A cross-sectional study. PLoS Med. 2020; 17:e1003234.
- Devasenapathy N, Ye Z, Loeb M, Fang F, Najafabadi BT, Xiao Y, Couban R, Bégin P, Guyatt G. Efficacy and safety of convalescent plasma for severe COVID-19 based on evidence in other severe respiratory viral infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis. CMAJ. 2020. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.200642.
- Local Burden of Disease Diarrhoea Collaborators [Zodpey S]. Mapping geographical inequalities in childhood diarrhoeal morbidity and mortality in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000–17: analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet. 2020; 395(10239):1779-1801.
- Sabde Y, Diwan V, Mahadik VK, Parashar V, Negandhi H, Trushna T, Zodpey S. Medical schools in India: pattern of establishment and impact on public health – a Geographic Information System (GIS) based exploratory study. BMC Public Health. 2020; 20:755;
- India State-Level Disease Burden Initiative CGF Collaborators [Ghosh-Jerath S]. Mapping of variations in child stunting, wasting and underweight within the states of India: the Global Burden of Disease Study 2000-2017. EClinicalMedicine. 2020; 22(100317):
- Neogi SB, Sharma J, Pandey S, Zaidi N, Bhattacharya M, Kar R, Kar SS, Purohit A, Bandyopadhyay S, Saxena R. Diagnostic accuracy of point-of-care devices for detection of anemia in community settings in India. BMC Health Serv Res. 2020; 20(1):468: PMC7249358.
- Ghosh-Jerath S, Kapoor R, Singh A, Downs S, Barman S and Fanzo J. Leveraging Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Access to Nutrient-Rich Indigenous Foods to Help Achieve SDG 2: An Analysis of the Indigenous Foods of SauriaPaharias, a Vulnerable Tribal Community in Jharkhand, India. Front. Nutr. 2020; 7:61.doi: 10.3389/fnut.2020.00061.
- Devji T, Carrasco-Labra A, Qasim A, Phillips M, Johnston BC, Devasenapathy N, Zeraatkar D, Bhatt M, Jin X, Brignardello-Petersen R, Urquhart O, Foroutan F, Schandelmaier S, Pardo-Hernandez H, Vernooij RW, Huang H, Rizwan Y, Siemieniuk R, Lytvyn L, Patrick DL, Ebrahim S, Furukawa T, Nesrallah G, Schünemann HJ, Bhandari M, Thabane L, Guyatt GH. Evaluating the credibility of anchor based estimates of minimal important differences for patient reported outcomes: instrument development and reliability study. BMJ. 2020; 369:m1714.
- Zodpey S, Negandhi H, Dua A, Vasudevan A, Raja M. Our fight against the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic: A review of India’s actions and proposed way forward. Indian J Community Med. 2020; 45:117- 24.
- Wang L, Cohen JC, Devasenapathy N, Hong BY, Kheyson S, Lu D, Oparin Y, Kennedy SA, Romerosa B, Arora N, Kwon HY, Jackson K, Prasad M, Jayasekera D, Li A, Guarna G, Natalwalla S, Couban RJ, Reid S, Khan JS, McGillion M, Busse JW. Prevalence and intensity of persistent post-surgical pain following breast cancer surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 2020; 125(3):346-357.
- George MS, Davey R, Mohanty I, Upton P. Everything is provided free, but they are still hesitant to access healthcare services”: why does the indigenous community in Attapadi, Kerala continue to experience poor access to healthcare? International Journal for Equity in Health. 2020; 19:105: s12939-020-01216-1.
- Kumar MS, Bhatnagar T, Manickam P, Kumar VS, Rade K, Shah N, Kant S, Babu GR, Zodpey SP, Girish Kumar CP, Vivian Thangaraj JW, Chatterjee P, Kanungo S, Pandey RM, Murhekar M, Singh SK, Sarkar S, Muliyi JP, Gangakhedkar RR, Reddy DCS. National sero-surveillance to monitor the trend of SARS-CoV-2 infection transmission in India: Protocol for community-based surveillance. Indian J Med Res. 2020; 151:419-23. 35
- ICMR Covid Study Group, Abraham P, Aggarwal N, Babu GR, Barani S, Bhargava B, Bhatnagar T, Dhama AS, Gangakhedkar RR, Giri S, Gupta N, Kurup KK, Manickam P, Murhekar M, Potdar V, Praharaj I, Rade K, Reddy DCS, Saravanakumar V, Shah N, Singh H, Wesley J, Thangaraj V, Yadav N, COVID Epidemiology & Data Management Team, Anand T, Butollia HK, Chatterjee P, Chauhan H, Deepa R, Gunasekaran A, John DA, Kant S, Kulkarni S, Kumar V, Muliyil UP, Pandey RM, Sarkar S, Singh S, Zodpey SP, COVID Laboratory Team, Colloborators:, Deepa R, Virus Research & Diagnostic Laboratory Network (VRDLN) Team. Laboratory surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 in India: Performance of testing & descriptive epidemiology of detected COVID-19, January 22 – April 30, 2020. Indian J Med Res. 2020; 151:424-37.
- Ahmed S, Downs SM, Yang C, Chunlin L, Broek N, Ghosh-Jerath S. Rapid tool based on a food environment typology framework for evaluating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on food system resilience. Food Security. 2020; 12:773-78.
- LBD Double Burden of Malnutrition Collaborators [Zodpey S]. Mapping local patterns of childhood overweight and wasting in low- and middle-income countries between 2000 and 2017. Nat Med. 2020; 26:750-59.
- LBD Double Burden of Malnutrition Collaborators [Zodpey S]. Erraturm: Mapping local patterns of childhood overweight and wasting in low- and middle-income countries between 2000 and 2017. Nat Med. 2020; 26(8):1308.
- Ghosh-Jerath S, Kapoor R, Singh A, Nilima, Downs S, Goldberg G, Fanzo J. Agroforestry diversity, indigenous food consumption and nutritional outcomes in SauriaPaharia tribal women of Jharkhand, India. Matern Child Nutr. 2020; e13052:
- Mulchandani R, Lyngdoh T, Statin use and safety concerns: an overview of the past, present and the future. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2020; 19(8):1011-24.
- Local Burden of Disease Educational Attainment Collaborators [Zodpey S]. Mapping disparities in education across low- and middle-income countries. Nature. 2020; 577:235-8.
- Sawleshwarkar S, Zodpey SP, Negin J. “Public health is global”: examining Indian stakeholders’ perspectives on Global Health education. BMC Public Health. 2020; 20:1259.
- James SL, Castle CD, Dingels ZV, et al. [Zodpey S]. Estimating global injuries morbidity and mortality: methods and data used in the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study. Inj Prev. 2020; 26(Supp 1):125-53.
- Local Burden of Disease WaSH Collaborators [Zodpey S]. Mapping geographical inequalities in access to drinking water and sanitation facilities in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000–17. Lancet Glob Health. 2020; 8: e1162-85.
- Murhekar MV, Bhatnagar T, Selvaraju S, Rade K, Saravanakumar V, Vivian Thangaraj JW, et al. Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in India: Findings from the national serosurvey, May-June 2020. Indian J Med Res. 2020; 152(1):48-60.
- GBD 2019 Universal Health Coverage Collaborators [Zodpey S]. Measuring universal health coverage based on an index of effective coverage of health services in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet. 2020; 396(10258):1250-84.
- Sharma J, Pandey S, Negandhi P. Determinants of suboptimal breastfeeding in Haryana – An analysis of national family health survey-4 data. Indian J Public Health. 2020; 64:285-94.
- Ahmad A, Rai AK, Negandhi H, Gundeti MS, Rao BCS, Srikanth N. Efficacy and Safety of Ayurveda Interventions as Standalone or Adjuvant Therapy in Management of COVID-19: A Systematic Review Protocol. Journal of Research in Ayurvedic Sciences. 2020; 4(3):121-27.
- Schandelmaier S, Briel M, Varadhan R, Schmid CH, Devasenapathy N, Hayward RA, Gagnier J, Borenstein M, van der Heijden GJMG, Dahabreh IJ, Sun X, Sauerbrei W, Walsh M, Ioannidis JPA, Thabane L, Guyatt GH. Development of the Instrument to assess the Credibility of Effect Modification Analyses (ICEMAN) in randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses. CMAJ. 2020; 192:E901-E6.
- Schandelmaier S, Chang Y, Bala MM, Devasenapathy N, Devji T, Kwong JSW, Colunga Lozano LE, Lee Y, Agarwal A, Bhatnagar N, Ewald H, Zhang Y, Sun X, Thabane L, Walsh M, Briel M, Guyatt GH. Erratum to “A systematic survey identified 36 criteria for assessing effect modification claims in randomized trials or meta-analyses” [J ClinEpidemiol. 2019; 113:159-67]. J ClinEpidemiol. 2020; 123:189. doi: 10.1016/j. jclinepi.2020.04.003. Erratum for: J ClinEpidemiol. 2019; 113:159-67.
- Goenka S, Devarajan R. Higher Physical Activity Levels in Children Have Wide Ranging Benefits: Towards Multisectoral Action. Indian Pediatr. 2020; 57:705-6.
- Chand H, Sharma J. Impact of maternal factors and socio-demographic determinants on early initiation of breastfeeding practices in Alwar district, Rajasthan, India. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2020; 7:1-7.
- Local Burden of Disease Diarrhoea, Collaborators: Awasthi A, Dandona L, Dandona R, Kumar GA, Lal DK, Murthy GVS, Zodpey SP. Mapping geographical inequalities in childhood diarrhoeal morbidity and mortality in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000-17: analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet. 2020; 395:1779-801.
- Local Burden of Disease Diarrhoea, Collaborators: Dandona L, Dandona R, Kumar GA, Lal DK, Mathur MR, Murthy GVS, Zodpey SP. Mapping geographical inequalities in oral rehydration therapy coverage in lowincome and middle-income countries, 2000-17. Lancet Glob Health. 2020; 8:e1038-e60.
- Sharma N, Negandhi H, Kalra S, Gupta P. Prophylactic Vitamin D Supplementation Practices for Infants: A Survey of Pediatricians From Delhi. Indian Pediatr. 2020; 57:259-60.
- Nilima, Puranik A, Shreenidhi SM, Rai SN. Spatial evaluation of prevalence, pattern and predictors of cervical cancer screening in India. Public Health. 2020; 178:124-36.
- Kaur G, Ray S, Devasenapathy N. Poor awareness of diabetes self-care among diabetics: Cross-sectional study from an urban poor settlement in Delhi. Int J Non-Commun Dis.2020; 5(3):131-7.
- Lambert EV, Kolbe-Alexander T, Adlakha D, Oyeyemi A, Anokye NK, Goenka S, Mogrovejo P, Salvo D. Making the case for ‘physical activity security’: the 2020 WHO guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour from a Global South perspective. Br J Sports Med. 2020; 54:1447-8.
- Lyngdoh T, Sharma A, Zodpey S. Capacity-building initiatives in non-communicable diseases in India. Journal of Health Management. 2020; 22(3):363-74.
- Zodpey S, Negandhi P. Inequality in health and social status for women in India – A long-standing bane. Indian J Public Health. 2020; 64(4):325-7.
- Neogi SB, Negandhi H, Bharti P, Zodpey S, Mathur A. Burden and management of obstetric fistula in South-East Asian region countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Indian J Public Health. 2020; 64(4):386-92.
- Mulchandani R, Lyngdoh T, Kakkar AK. Statins-induced hepatotoxicity: still more questions than answers. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2020; 19(12):1653-54.
- Walia GK, Saini S, Vimal P, Bhatia K, Kumar A, Singh R, Prabhakaran D, Gupta V. Association of MC4R (rs17782313) gene polymorphism with obesity measures in Western India. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2021; 15(3):661-665.
Publications of IIPH-Delhi students
- Mulchandani R, Lyngdoh T, Kakkar AK. Deciphering the COVID-19 cytokine storm: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Clin Invest. 2021;51(1):e13429.
- Walia GK, Saini S, Vimal P, Bhatia K, Kumar A, Singh R, Prabhakaran D, Gupta V. Association of MC4R (rs17782313) gene polymorphism with obesity measures in Western India. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2021; 15(3):661-665.
- Singhal D, Lyngdoh T, Prabhakaran P. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Study of Health Risks among E-waste Recyclers in Delhi. Journal of Health and Pollution. 2021; 11(29):210306.
- Randhawa S, Ray S. Not covered enough: inadequate age appropriate immunisation in urban slums of Delhi: a community based cross sectional survey. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2020; 7(3):951-57.
- Sharma N, Negandhi H, Kalra S, Gupta P. Prophylactic Vitamin D Supplementation Practices for Infants: A Survey of Pediatricians From Delhi. Indian Pediatr. 2020; 57(3):259-260.
- Kaur G, Ray S, Devasenapathy N. Poor awareness of diabetes self-care among diabetics: Cross-sectional study from an urban poor settlement in Delhi. Int J Non-Commun Dis 2020; 5(3):131-7.
- Mulchandani R, Lyngdoh T, Kakkar AK. Statins-induced hepatotoxicity: still more questions than answers. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2020; 19(12):1653-54.
Journal articles
- Walia GK, Saini S, Vimal P, Bhatia K, Kumar A, Singh R, Prabhakaran D, Gupta V. Association of MC4R (rs17782313) gene polymorphism with obesity measures in Western India. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2021; 15(3):661-65.
- Bhattacharjee NV, Schaeffer LE, Hay SI, Local Burden of Disease Exclusive Breastfeeding Collaborators:, Dandona L, Dandona R, Kumar GA, Zodpey SP. Mapping inequalities in exclusive breastfeeding in low- and middleincome countries, 2000-2018. Nat Hum Behav. 2021; 5(8):1027-45.
- Ghosh-Jerath S, Kapoor R, Ghosh U, Singh A, Downs S, Fanzo J. Pathways of Climate Change Impact on Agroforestry, Food Consumption Pattern, and Dietary Diversity Among Indigenous Subsistence Farmers of Sauria Paharia Tribal Community of India: A Mixed Methods Study. Front Sustain Food Syst. 2021; 5(174).
- ICMR Serosurveillance Group members, coordinators: S, Babu GR, Zodpey SP. SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroprevalence in India, August-September, 2020: findings from the second nationwide household serosurvey. Lancet Glob Health. 2021; 9(3):e257-e66.
- Agarwal A, Zodpey SP, Garg S. Editorial: Restructure Health Systems to Address Equity, Responsiveness, Accountability and Community Engagement. International journal of health systems and implementation research. 2021; 5(1):1-11.
- Mehta K, Zodpey SP, Banerjee P, Pocius SL, Dhaliwal BK, DeLuca A, Bhattacharya SD, Hegde S, Sengupta P, Gupta M, Shet A. Shifting research priorities in maternal and child health in the COVID-19 pandemic era in India: A renewed focus on systems strengthening. PLoS One. 2021; 16(8):e0256099.
- Kadam S, Panda B, Nallala S, Pati S, Hussain MA, Salunke S, Zodpey SP. Repackaging Primary Healthcare in Odisha: Can ‘Task Shifting’ to AYUSH Doctors Address Human Resources Deficit? Journal of Health Management. 2021; 23(3):521-30.
- Sharma SK, Rathod PG, Ukey UU, Narlawar UW, Zodpey SP. Sero prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in general population of Nagpur district. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2021; 8(8):3952-7.
- Pandey S, Devasenapathy N, Sinha S, Zodpey SP, Bhargava SK, Sachdev HPS, Osmond C, Fall CHD. Childhood Head Growth and Educational Attainment in an Indian Cohort. Indian Pediatr. 2021; e12584.
- Bably MB, Laditka SB, Mehta A, Ghosh-Jerath S, Racine EF. Timing and factors associated with complementary feeding in India. Health Care Women Int. 2021; 1-14.
- Carrasco-Labra A, Devji T, Qasim A, Phillips MR, Wang Y, Johnston BC, Devasenapathy N, Zeraatkar D, Bhatt M, Jin X, Brignardello-Petersen R, Urquhart O, Foroutan F, Schandelmaier S, Pardo-Hernandez H, Hao Q, Wong V, Ye Z, Yao L, Vernooij RWM, Huang H, Zeng L, Rizwan Y, Siemieniuk R, Lytvyn L, Patrick DL, Ebrahim S, Furukawa TA, Nesrallah G, Schunemann HJ, Bhandari M, Thabane L, Guyatt GH. Minimal important difference estimates for patient-reported outcomes: A systematic survey. J Clin Epidemiol. 2021; 133:61-71.
- Kumar H, Bhat A, Alwadhi V, Maria A, Khanna R, Neogi SB, Khera A. An Assessment of Implementation of Family Participatory Care in Special Newborn Care Units in Three States of India. Indian Pediatr. 2021; 58(4):349-53.
- Kumar H, Bhat AA, Alwadhi V, Khanna R, Neogi SB, Choudhry P, Prabhakar PK. Special Newborn Care Plus Project in India: Preliminary Findings from Community based Follow-up of Newborns Discharged from Facilities. Indian Pediatr. 2021; 58(4):354-7.
- Malik IV, Devasenapathy N, Kumar A, Dogra H, Ray S, Gautam D, Malhotra R. Estimation of Expenditure and Challenges Related to Rehabilitation After Knee Arthroplasty: A Hospital-Based Cross-Sectional Study. Indian J Orthop. 2021; 55(5):1317-1325.
- Mathur MR, George MS, Nagrath D, Watt RG. Exploring the perceptions, attitude and experiences of adolescents, their parents and teachers towards sugar sweetened beverages consumption in the National Capital Region of Delhi. Indian J Dent Res. 2021; 32(1):39-43.
- Reddy KS, Ghosh-Jerath S, Sadanandan R. Health policy and systems research: ethical challenges in coproduction of knowledge. BMJ. 2021; [Epub ahead of print].
- Selvaraj S, Karan AK, Mao W, Farooqui HH, Bharali I, Kumar P, Ogbuoji O, Chaudhuri C. Did the poor gain from India’s health policy interventions? Evidence from benefit-incidence analysis, 2004–2018. Int J Equity Health. 2021; 20(1):159.
- Sharma J, Ludin H, Chauhan M, Zodpey SP. Public health nutrition in Afghanistan-policies, strategies and capacity-building: current scenario and initiatives. East Mediterr Health J. 2021; 27(7):728–37.
- Tainio M, Jovanovic Andersen Z, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Hu L, de Nazelle A, An R, Garcia LMT, Goenka S, ZapataDiomedi B, Bull F, Sá THd. Air pollution, physical activity and health: A mapping review of the evidence. Environ Int. 2021; 147:105954.
- Zodpey SP, Basu S. A rapid review of digital health technology for combating Covid-19 pandemic with a focus on strengthening primary health care. EFI Bulletin (Bulletin of Epidemiology Foundation of India). 2021; 2(3):12- 15.
- Zodpey SP, Negandhi PH. Leadership Development for Strengthening the Health System in India. Health and Population: Perspectives and Issues. 2021; 44(3):109-115.
- Zodpey SP, Negandhi H, Kamal VK, Bhatnagar T, Ganeshkumar P, Athavale A, et al. Determinants of severity among hospitalised COVID-19 patients: Hospital-based casecontrol study, India, 2020. PLoS One. 2021; 16(12):e0261529.
- Sharma P, Chawla R, Basu S, Saxena S, Mariam W, Bharti PK, Rao S, Tanwar N, Rahman A, Ahmad M. Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 and Risk Assessment Among Healthcare Workers at a Dedicated Tertiary Care COVID-19 Hospital in Delhi, India: A Cohort Study. Cureus. 2021; 13(12):e20805.
- Piraveenan M, Sawleshwarkar S, Walsh M, Zablotska I, Bhattacharyya S, Farooqui HH, Bhatnagar T, Karan A, Murhekar M, Zodpey S, Rao KSM, Pattison P, Zomaya A, Perc M. Optimal governance and implementation of vaccination programs to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. R. Soc. open sci. 2021; 8210429210429.
- Rasmussen B, Maharaj N, Karan A, Symons J, Selvaraj S, Kumar R, Kumnick M, Sheehanet P. Evaluating interventions to reduce child marriage in India. Journal of Global Health Reports. 2021; 5:e2021044.
- Pattnaik N, Ansari AH, Chakraborty P, Devasenapathy N. Use and assessment of knowledge of Vitamin K antagonist therapy in cardiac patients: A tertiary care hospital-based survey. J Pract Cardiovasc Sci. 2021; 7:158- 67.
- Snehil P, Ansari AH, Chakraborty P, Devasenapathy N. Challenges in Timely Pharmacological Reperfusion Therapy of Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients: A Cross-sectional Study. J Clin Diagn Res. 2021; 15(9):25-31.
- Malik B, Farooqui HH, Bhattacharyya S. Disparity in socioeconomic status explains the pattern of selfmedication of antibiotics in India: understanding from game-theoretic perspective. R.Soc.Open Sci. 2022; 9:211872.
- Neogi SB, John D, Sharma J, Kar R, Kar SS, Bhattacharya M, Tiwari K, Saxena R. Cost-effectiveness of point-ofcare devices for detection of anemia in community settings in India. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health. 2022; 14:1100995.
- Sinha A, Bisoi S, Zodpey SP. Dementia friendly community: Concept to implementation. Indian J Community Med. 2022; 47(1):1-3.
- Mulchandani R, Babu GR, Kaur A, Singh R, Lyngdoh T. Factors associated with differential COVID-19 mortality rates in the SEAR nations: a narrative review. IJID Regions. 2022; 3:54–67.
Books / Chapters in Book / Monographs
- Goenka S, Devarajan R, Active transportation – the missing part of the puzzle for physical activity promotion in India. In: Editors Siefken K, Varela AR, Waqanivalu T, Schulenkorf N. Physical Activity in Low and Middle Income Countries. Taylor & Francis, Routledge; 2021
Student publications
- Walia GK, Saini S, Vimal P, Bhatia K, Kumar A, Singh R, Prabhakaran D, Gupta V. Association of MC4R (rs17782313) gene polymorphism with obesity measures in Western India. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2021; 15(3):661-65.
- Malik IV, Devasenapathy N, Kumar A, Dogra H, Ray S, Gautam D, Malhotra R. Estimation of Expenditure and Challenges Related to Rehabilitation After Knee Arthroplasty: A Hospital-Based Cross-Sectional Study. Indian J Orthop. 2021; 55(5):1317-1325.
- Mathur MR, George MS, Nagrath D, Watt RG. Exploring the perceptions, attitude and experiences of adolescents, their parents and teachers towards sugar sweetened beverages consumption in the National Capital Region of Delhi. Indian J Dent Res. 2021; 32(1):39-43.
- Pattnaik N, Ansari AH, Chakraborty P, Devasenapathy N. Use and assessment of knowledge of Vitamin K antagonist therapy in cardiac patients: A tertiary care hospital-based survey. J Pract Cardiovasc Sci. 2021; 7:158- 67.
- Snehil P, Ansari AH, Chakraborty P, Devasenapathy N. Challenges in Timely Pharmacological Reperfusion Therapy of Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients: A Cross-sectional Study. J Clin Diagn Res. 2021; 15(9):25-31.
- Mulchandani R, Babu GR, Kaur A, Singh R, Lyngdoh T. Factors associated with differential COVID-19 mortality rates in the SEAR nations: a narrative review. IJID Regions. 2022; 3:54–67.
- Capacity building and technical projects
- Sahyong: 1482 (Project) 15TH July : 3.4 crores
- Ida (World bank): 1st March 2023
- Karnegi project: Multailaterism the tragedy
- Crosswalks
Journal articles
- GBD 2019 Human Resources for Health Collaborators [Zodpey S]. Measuring the availability of human resources for health and its relationship to universal health coverage for 204 countries and territories from 1990 to 2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet. 2022; 399(10341):2129-54.
- Mehta K, Dhaliwal BK, Zodpey SP, Loisate S, Banerjee P, Sengupta P, et al. COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among healthcare workers in India: Results from a cross-sectional survey. PLOS Glob Public Health. 2022; 2:e0000661.
- GBD 2019 Diabetes and Air Pollution Collaborators [Zodpey S]. Estimates, trends, and drivers of the global burden of type 2 diabetes attributable to PM25 air pollution, 1990–2019: an analysis of data from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet. 2022; 6:586-600.
- Gudi N, Swain A, Kulkarni MM, Pattanshetty S, Zodpey S. Tobacco prevention and control interventions in humanitarian settings: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open. 2022; 12:e058225.
- Tiwari R, Negandhi H, Zodpey S. India’s public health management cadre policy. The Lancet Regional Health – Southeast Asia. 2022; 4:
- Mathur MR, Nagrath D, Mishra VK, Saif S, Selvaraj S, Mehta A, Farooqui HH. Antibiotic prescriptions for Oral Diseases in India: Pattern and Practices. BMC Oral Health. 2022; [Epub ahead of print]
- Karan A, Farooqui HH, Hussain S, Hussain MA, Selvaraj S, Mathur MR. Multimorbidity, healthcare use and catastrophic health expenditure by households in India: a cross-section analysis of self-reported morbidity from national sample survey data 2017-18. BMC Health Serv Res. 2022; 22(1):1151.
- Basu S, Rustagi R. Multi-dose vials versus single-dose vials for vaccination: perspectives from lower-middle income countries. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2022; 1-4: doi: 10.1080/21645515.2022.2059310.
- Gangadharan N, Borle AL, Basu S. Mobile Phone Addiction as an Emerging Behavioral Form of Addiction among Adolescents in India. Cureus. 2022; 14(4):e23798.
- Selvaraj S, Farooqui HH, Mehta A, Mathur MR. Evaluating the impact of price regulation (Drug Price Control Order 2013) on antibiotic sales in India: a quasi-experimental analysis, 2008-2018. J Pharm Policy Pract. 2022; 15(1):68. doi: 10.1186/s40545-022-00466-4.
- Mehta A, Brhlikova P, McGettigan P, Pollock AM, Roderick P, Farooqui HH. Systemic antibiotic sales and WHO recommendations, India. Bull World Health Organ. 2022; 100(10):610-19.
- Fazaludeen Koya S, Hasan Farooqui H, Mehta A, Selvaraj S, Galea S. Quantifying antibiotic use in typhoid fever in India: a cross-sectional analysis of private sector medical audit data, 2013–2015. BMJ Open. 2022; 12(10):e062401.
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- Kang S, Goodman MS, Thakur HP, Grivna M, Zodpey SP. Editorial: An Insight into University Medical and Health Science Courses. Frontiers in Public Health. 2022; 10:1074966.
- Garg S, Bhatnagar N, Singh MM, Basu S, Borle A, Marimuthu Y, Azmi F, Dabi Y, Bala I. Menstrual hygiene management and its determinants among adolescent girls in low-income urban areas of Delhi, India: a community-based study. Osong Public Health Res Perspect. 2022; 13(4):273-81.
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- Ghosh-Jerath S, Kapoor R, Dhasmana A, Singh A, Downs S, Ahmed S. Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Food Systems and Determinants of Resilience in Indigenous Communities of Jharkhand State, India: A Serial CrossSectional Study. Front Sustain Food Syst. 2022; 6:724321.
- Global Burden of Disease Study 2019, Adolescent Transport Unintentional Injuries, Collaborators; Basu S, Golechha M, Zodpey SP. Adolescent transport and unintentional injuries: a systematic analysis using the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet Public Health. 2022; 7(8):657-69.
- Global Burden of Disease Study 2019, Cancer Risk Factors, Collaborators. Zodpey SP, Dandona L, Dandona R, Kumar GA, Lal DK, Basu S. The global burden of cancer attributable to risk factors, 2010-19: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet. 2022; 400(10352):563-91.
- Kapoor R, Sabharwal M, Ghosh-Jerath S. Indigenous Foods of India: A Comprehensive Narrative Review of Nutritive Values, Antinutrient Content and Mineral Bioavailability of Traditional Foods Consumed by Indigenous Communities of India. Front Sustain Food Syst. 2022; 6:696228.
- Mehta A, Brhlikova P, McGettigan P, Pollock AM, Roderick P, Farooqui HH. Systemic antibiotic sales and WHO recommendations, India. Bull World Health Organ. 2022; 100(10):610-19.
- Miller E, Reddy M, Banerjee P, Brahmbhatt H, Majumdar P, Mangal DK, Gupta SD, Zodpey S, Shet A, Schleiff M. Strengthening institutions for public health education: results of an SWOT analysis from India to inform global best practices. Hum Resour Health. 2022; 20(1):19.
- Misra S, Lyngdoh T, Mulchandani R. Guidelines for dyslipidemia management in India: A review of the current scenario and gaps in research. Indian Heart J. 2022; 74(5):341-50.
- Mistry SK, Ali ARMM, Yadav UN, Das Gupta R, Anwar A, Basu S, Huda MN, Mitra DK. A tale of osteoarthritis among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: A repeated cross-sectional study. PLoS One. 2022; 17(9):e0274838.
- Pandey S, Devasenapathy N, Sinha S, Zodpey SP, Bhargava SK, Sachdev HPS, Osmond C, Fall CHD. Childhood Head Growth and Educational Attainment in an Indian Cohort. Indian Pediatr. 2022; 59(1):13-20.
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- Sharma N, Basu S, Manna S, Rao S, Sharma P, Kaur H, Duggal K, Kumar P, Malik ST. Perceptions of Good Health and Impact of COVID-19 Among Adolescents in a Low-Income Urban Agglomerate in Delhi, India: A Qualitative Study. Cureus. 2022; 14(4):e24425.
- Sharma N, Basu S, Manna S, Sharma P, Rao S, Duggal K, Kaur H, Kumar P, Malik ST. Health-Seeking Behaviour for Childhood Ailments in Caregivers of Under-Five Children in an Urban Resettlement Colony in Delhi, India. Cureus. 2022; 14(4):e24404.
- Sharma P, Basu S, Mishra S, Gupta E, Agarwal R, Kale P, Mundeja N, Charan BS, Singh G, Singh M. SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence in Delhi, India, During September-October 2021: A Population-Based Seroepidemiological Study. Cureus. 2022; 14(7):e27428.
- Sharma P, Basu S, Mishra S, Mundeja N, Charan BS, Singh G, Singh MM. COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Its Determinants in the General Population of Delhi, India: A State Level Cross-Sectional Survey. Cureus. 2022; 14(7):e26936.
- Sharma P, Basu S, Mishra S, Singh MM. Seroprevalence of immunoglobulin G antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in children and adolescents in Delhi, India, from January to October 2021: a repeated cross-sectional analysis. Osong Public Health Res Perspect. 2022; 13(3):184-90.
- Sharma P, Gupta E, Basu S, Agarwal R, Mishra S, Kale P, Mundeja N, Charan BS, Singh GK, Singh MM. Neutralizing antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2: A population based seroepidemiological analysis. Indian J Med Microbiol. 2022; 40(4):585-87.
- Singh A, Baalasubramanian S, Kalaivani M, Kapoor R, Bhagwat K, Ghosh-Jerath S. Standardisation and application of a novel multiplex assay for estimating micronutrient status and inflammatory markers in women of Sauria Paharia and Santhal tribes of Jharkhand. Br J Nutr. 2022; 128(12):2464-479.
- Tiwari R, Negandhi H, Dahal S, Zodpey SP. Perceptions, experiences, expectations, and challenges of Indian public health programs. Int J Health Promot Educ. 2022; 1-13.
- Zou Z, Liu G, Hay SI, Basu S, Belgaumi UI, Dhali A, Dhingra S, Fekadu G, Golechha M, Joseph N, Krishan K, MartinsMelo FR, Mubarik S, Okonji OC, A MP, Rathi P, Shetty RS, Singh P, Singh S, Thangaraju P, Wang Z, Zastrozhin MS, Murray CJL, Kyu HH, Huang Y. Time trends in tuberculosis mortality across the BRICS: an age-period-cohort analysis for the GBD 2019. EClinicalMedicine. 2022; 53:101646.
- Sodhi B, Basu S. Antibiotic Prescription Audits Among Pediatric Outpatients With Acute Ailments in a Secondary Care Hospital During the COVID-19 Omicron Wave in Northern India. Cureus. 2022; 14(11):e32017.
- Borle AL, Gangadharan N, Basu S. Lifestyle practices predisposing adolescents to non-communicable diseases in Delhi. Dialogues in Health. 2022; 1:100064.
- Chopra KK, Indora A, Pandey P, Malik A, Pandey S. Occurrence of anxiety and depression among homeless individuals with pulmonary tuberculosis. Indian J Tuberc. 2022; [Epub ahead of print].
- Chopra KK, Malik A, Abha I, Pandey P, Pandey S. To study the occurrence of risk factors for pulmonary tuberculosis in the homeless population in areas of Delhi, India. Indian J Tuberc. 2022; [Epub ahead of print].
- Farooqui HH, Karan A, Mathur MR, Hussain S, Selvaraj S. Out-of-pocket expenditure on childhood infections and its financial burden on Indian households: Evidence from nationally representative household survey (2017- 18). PLoS One. 2022; 17(12):e0278025.
- Malik B, Farooqui HH, Bhattacharyya S. Disparity in socio-economic status explains the pattern of selfmedication of antibiotics in India: understanding from game-theoretic perspective. R Soc Open Sci. 2022; 9(2):211872.
- Paul S, Basu S, Sodhi B, Singh M M. Utilization of Nutritional Supplementation Services and Their Predictors in Pregnant and Lactating Women Living in an Urban Resettlement Colony of Delhi, India: A Cross-Sectional Study. Cureus. 2022; 14(12):e32302.
- Prabhu V A, Gorthi S P, Nilima, Rao S S, Nair R, Thambi M, Naik A. Relevance of Geographical and Biochemical Factors in Causation of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis: An Observational Analytical Study. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2022; 25(5):875-9.
- Ramírez Varela A, Hallal P C, Mejía Grueso J, Pedišić Ž, Salvo D, Nguyen A, Klepac B, Bauman A, et al. Status and Trends of Physical Activity Surveillance, Policy, and Research in 164 Countries: Findings From the Global Observatory for Physical ActivityGoPA! 2015 and 2020 Surveys. J Phys Act Health. 2022; 20(2):112-28.
- Sharma A, Apte A, Rajappa M, Vaz M, Vaswani V, Goenka S, Malhotra S, Sangoram R, Lakshminarayanan S, Jayaram S, Mathaiyan J, Farseena K, Mukerjee P, Jaswal S, Dongre A, Timms O, Shafiq N, Aggarwal R, Kaur M, Juvekar S, Sekhar A, Kang G. Perceptions about controlled human infection model (CHIM) studies among members of ethics committees of Indian medical institutions: A qualitative exploration. Wellcome Open Res. 2022; 7(209):1-14.
- Sharma N, Nazar G P, Chugh A, Chopra M, Mdege N D, John R M, Arora M, Karan A. Socio-Economic Status (SES) differences in changing affordability of tobacco products from 2011-12 to 2018-19 in India. Nicotine Tob Res. 2022; 25(4):709-17.
- Kuriakose S, Krishnamurthy A, Vinutha RS, Ramshankar V, Sekhar S, Walia GK, Gupta R, Aggarwal A, Singh R, Rajan S, Kondal D, Grover S, Prabhakaran D, Dhillon PK, Shridhar K, Goodman M. Time intervals and patient-level factors in oral cancer diagnostic pathways: An application of the WHO framework in India. Cancer Epidemiol. 2022; 81:102283.
- Karan A, Negandhi H, Kabeer M, Zapata T, Mairembam D, De Graeve H, Buchan J, Zodpey SP. Achieving universal health coverage and sustainable development goals by 2030: investment estimates to increase production of health professionals in India. Hum Resour Health. 2023; 21(1):17.
- Schleiff M, Brahmbhatt H, Banerjee P, Reddy M, Miller E, Majumdar P, Mangal DK, Gupta SD, Zodpey SP, Shet A. Key factors influencing public health students and curricula in India: Recommendations from a mixed methods analysis. PLoS One. 2023; 18(2):e0279114.
- Basu S, Malik M, Anand T, Singh A. Hypertension Control Cascade and Regional Performance in India: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Analysis (2015-2021). Cureus. 2023; 15(2):e35449.
- Basu S, Sharma H. Media Reporting Relating to COVID-19 Vaccination as a Driver of Vaccine Hesitancy Prior to the Second Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in India: A Content Analysis of Newspaper and Digital Media Reports. Cureus. 2023; 15(3):e36750.
- Girotra S, Mohan N, Malik M, Roy S, Basu S. Prevalence and Determinants of Low Birth Weight in India: Findings from a Nationally Representative Cross-Sectional Survey (2019-21). Cureus. 2023; 15(3):e36717.
- Manna S, Basu S. It Cost Us All of Our Savings to Deliver Our Baby: A Qualitative Study to Explore Barriers and Facilitators of Maternal and Child Health Service Access and Utilization in a Remote Rural Region in India During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cureus. 2023; 15(2):e35192.
- Mathur MR, Nagrath D, Mishra VK, Harris R, Saeed SS, Selvaraj S, Mehta A, Farooqui HH. Antibiotic prescriptions for oral diseases in India: evidence from national prescription data. BMC Oral Health. 2023; 23(1):170.
- Mulchandani R, Lyngdoh T, Nangia R, Singh S, Grover S, Thakur J S. Relationship between serum lipids and depression: A cross sectional survey among adults in Haryana, India. Indian J Psychiatry. 2023; 65(1):61-7.
- Sharma N, Mariam W, Basu S, Shrivastava R, Rao S, Sharma P, Garg S. Determinants of Treatment Adherence and Health Outcomes in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension in a Low-Income Urban Agglomerate in Delhi, India: A Qualitative Study. Cureus. 2023; 15(2):e34826.
- Sharma N, Palo S K, Bhimarasetty D M, Kandipudi K L P, Purty A J, Kumar T, Basu S, Alice A, Velavan A, Madhavan S, Rongsen-Chandola T, Arora N K, Dixit S, Pati S, Taneja Malik S. Community Dynamics and Engagement Strategies in Establishing Demographic Development and Environmental Surveillance Systems: A Multi-Site Report from India. Healthcare (Basel). 2023; 11(3):411
Books/Chapters in Book / Monographs
- Mishra R, Kumar P, Selvaraj S. Augmenting Community Response to COVID-19 Challenges: Lessons from Andhra Pradesh, India. In Y Erolova, E Tzaneva, V Ivanova, J Popcheva editors. Between the Worlds: Narratives and Notions of Pandemics: Sofia, Bulgaria: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. – in print.
Student publications
- Markan M, Dhingra R, Segan M, Dabla V, Sagar M, Neogi S, Dey S, Chakravarty N. Gender-based violence programming in times of COVID-19: Challenges, strategies and recommendations. Front Glob Womens Health. 2022. 6; 3:952688.
- Paul S, Basu S, Sodhi B, Singh MM. Utilization of Nutritional Supplementation Services and Their Predictors in Pregnant and Lactating Women Living in an Urban Resettlement Colony of Delhi, India: A Cross-Sectional Study. Cureus. 2022. 7; 14(12):e32302.
- Sodhi B, Basu S. Antibiotic Prescription Audits Among Pediatric Outpatients With Acute Ailments in a Secondary Care Hospital During the COVID-19 Omicron Wave in Northern India. Cureus. 2022; 14(11):e32017.
- Misra S, Lyngdoh T, Mulchandani R. Guidelines for dyslipidemia management in India: A review of the current scenario and gaps in research. Indian Heart J. 2022; 74(5):341-50.
- Chopra KK, Indora A, Pandey P, Malik A, Pandey S. Occurrence of anxiety and depression among homeless individuals with pulmonary tuberculosis. Indian J Tuberc. 2022; [Epub ahead of print].
- Chopra KK, Malik A, Abha I, Pandey P, Pandey S. To study the occurrence of risk factors for pulmonary tuberculosis in the homeless population in areas of Delhi, India. Indian J Tuberc. 2022; [Epub ahead of print].
- Farooqui HH, Karan A, Mathur MR, Hussain S, Selvaraj S. Out-of-pocket expenditure on childhood infections and its financial burden on Indian households: Evidence from nationally representative household survey (2017- 18). PLoS One. 2022; 17(12):e0278025.
- Manna S, Satapathy P, Bora I, Padhi B K. Dengue outbreaks in South Asia amid Covid-19: Epidemiology, transmission, and mitigation strategies. Front Public Health. 2022; 10:1060043.
- Manna S, Tripathy S, Dor V J, Padhi B K. Paracetamol usages regulation: A need of the hour. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2022; 84:104805.
- Manna S, Tripathy S, Sah R K, Padhi B K, Kaur S, Nowrouzi-Kia B, Chattu V K. The Burden of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) among Prisoners in India: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Healthcare (Basel). 2022; 10(10):2-13.
- Rani Saggu S, Preethi L, Satapathy P, Manna S, Sai Tipirisetty E S, Perween Afsar A, Ravindra K, Chakravarty K, Irfan F B, Sah R, Kumar Padhi B. Acute necrotizing encephalitis outbreak in India: A little-known disease among the adult population. Brain Behav Immun. 2022; 107:383-84.
- Satapathy P, Mohanty P, Manna S, Shamim MA, Rao PP, Aggarwal A K, Khubchandani J, Mohanty A, NowrouziKia B, Chattu VK, Padhi BK, Rodriguez-Morales AJ, Sah R. Potentially Asymptomatic Infection of Monkeypox Virus: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Vaccines (Basel). 2022; 10(12):2083.
- Sharma N, Basu S, Manna S, Rao S, Sharma P, Kaur H, Duggal K, Kumar P, Malik ST. Perceptions of Good Health and Impact of COVID-19 Among Adolescents in a Low-Income Urban Agglomerate in Delhi, India: A Qualitative Study. Cureus. 2022; 14(4):e24425.
- Sharma N, Basu S, Manna S, Sharma P, Rao S, Duggal K, Kaur H, Kumar P, Malik ST. Health-Seeking Behaviour for Childhood Ailments in Caregivers of Under-Five Children in an Urban Resettlement Colony in Delhi, India. Cureus. 2022; 14(4):e24404.
- Mulchandani R, Lyngdoh T, Nangia R, Singh S, Grover S, Thakur JS. Relationship between serum lipids and depression: A cross sectional survey among adults in Haryana, India. Indian J Psychiatry. 2023; 65(1):61-67.
- Chopra K K, Pandey P, Malik A, Indora A, Pandey S. Infection control and preventing the transmission of tuberculosis in high-risk centres – recovery shelter for homeless people. Indian J Tuberc. 2023; 70(2):158-61.
- Girotra S, Mohan N, Malik M, Roy S, Basu S. Prevalence and Determinants of Low Birth Weight in India: Findings from a Nationally Representative Cross-Sectional Survey (2019-21). Cureus. 2023; 15(3):e36717.
- Karan A, Negandhi H, Kabeer M, Zapata T, Mairembam D, De Graeve H, Buchan J, Zodpey SP. Achieving universal health coverage and sustainable development goals by 2030: investment estimates to increase production of health professionals in India. Hum Resour Health. 2023; 21(1):17.
- Manna S, Basu S. It Cost Us All of Our Savings to Deliver Our Baby: A Qualitative Study to Explore Barriers and Facilitators of Maternal and Child Health Service Access and Utilization in a Remote Rural Region in India During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cureus. 2023; 15(2):e35192
- Thampi V, Hariprasad R, John A, Nethan S, Dhanasekaran K, Kumar V, Birur P, Thakur JS, Lilford R, Rajpoot NM, Gill P. Feasibility of Training Community Health Workers in the Detection of Oral Cancer. JAMA Netw Open. 2022; 5(1):e2144022
Journal publications
- Basu Saurav, Maheshwari V., Roy D., Saiyed M., Gokalani R. Risk assessment of diabetes using the Indian Diabetes Risk Score among older adults: Secondary analysis from the Longitudinal Ageing Study in India. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2024;18(5):103040.
- Basu Saurav, Maheshwari Vansh, Sodhi Baani, Mannan Pallak, Kukreti P. The prevalence of depression, determinants, and linkage with functional disability amongst postmenopausal women in India: Evidence from the Longitudinal Ageing Study in India. Asian J Psychiatr. 2024;96(-):104030.
- Biswas Shyamashree, Singh Ranjana, Radhika A. G. Association between migraine and pre-eclampsia among pregnant women: a single hospital-based case-control study in India. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2024;24(1):373.
- Dahal Shanti, Puwar Tapaswi, Zodpey Sanjay P. Systems and Processes Related to Placement of Graduates at Public Health Education Institutions
in India. J Health Manag. 2024;-(-):09720634241246939.
- Global Burden of Disease Study 2021, Diseases and Injuries Collaborators:, Ahmad Danish, Basu Saurav, Golechha Mahaveer. Global incidence, prevalence, years lived with disability (YLDs), disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 371 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Lancet. 2024;403(10440):18-24.
- Global Burden of Disease Study 2021, Tuberculosis Collaborators:, Ahmad Danish, Basu Saurav, Lal Dharmesh Kumar. Global, regional, and national age-specific progress towards the 2020 milestones of the WHO End TB Strategy: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Lancet Infect Dis. 2024;-(-):[Epub ahead of print].
- Hamdan A., Zar L. A., Doi S. A., Chivese Tawanda, Khan M. N., Khaled S. M., Babu Giridhara Ratheesh, Farooqui Habib Hasan. Navigating test accuracy metrics used in diagnostic evaluation. Curr Opin Epidemiol Public Health. 2024;-(-):[Epub ahead of print].
- Karan Anup, Hussain Suhaib, Jensen L. X., Buhl A., Bearman M., Zodpey Sanjay P. Non-communicable diseases, digital education and considerations for the Indian context – a scoping review. BMC Public Health. 2024;24(1):1280.
- Maheshwari Vansh, Basu Saurav. Sleep problems and their predictors in community-dwelling older adults with diabetes in India: Evidence from the Longitudinal Ageing Study in India. Sleep Med X. 2024;7(-):100108.
- Maroor Parimala S., Pushpalatha B. S, Kodkani Sangeetha, Shruthi Lourdu, Ashwini Damaraju, Sharma Anjali, Negandhi Himanshu, Shapeti Suresh S., Zodpey Sanjay P. Strengthening of District/Taluk Level Hospitals Through Implementation of Post-graduate Medical Courses in Karnataka, India. Indian J Community Med. 2024;49(1):11-7.
- Mulchandani Rubina, Lyngdoh T., Gandotra S., Isser H. S., Dhamija R. K., Kakkar A. K. Field based research in the era of the pandemic in resource limited settings: challenges and lessons for the future. Front Public Health. 2024;12(-):1309089.
- Pandey S., Sharma Jyoti, Ali M. Associated factors of child wasting among children aged 0 – 23 months in India: Analysis of the National Family Health Survey-5. IJPS. 2024;-(-):[Epub ahead of print].
- Rao S., Basu Saurav, Nandi K., Singh M. M., Lalwani H., Maheshwari V., Borle A., Sharma N. Metabolic syndrome burden, determinants and treatment status in an urban slum resettlement colony in Delhi, India. Int Health. 2024;-(-):[Epub ahead of print].
- Sehurutshi A., Farooqui Habib Hasan, Chivese T. The Impact of COVID-19 on the HIV Cascade of Care in Botswana – An Interrupted Time Series. AIDS Behav. 2024;-(-):[Epub ahead of print].
- Agarwal Tripti, Lyngdoh Tanica, Khadgawat R., Prabhakaran Dorairaj, Chandak G. R., Walia Gagandeep Kaur. Genetic architecture of adiposity measures among Asians: Findings from GWAS. Annals of human genetics. 2023;-(-):[Epub ahead of print].
- Bably M. B., Laditka S. B., Mehta A., Ghosh-Jerath Suparna, Racine E. F. Timing and factors associated with complementary feeding in India. Health Care Women Int. 2023;44(3):220-33.
- Basu Saurav, Dwivedy Subhralaxmi, Sharma Jyoti, Mohan Neha, Negandhi Preeti, Goel Shalini, Gupta M., Zodpey Sanjay. Perceived Gaps in Academic Training and Expectations From Refresher Training in Primary Care Nurses at an Urban Metropolis in Northern India: A Qualitative Study. Cureus. 2023;15(10):e46855.
- Basu Saurav, Maheshwari Vansh, Malik Mansi, Agarwal P. Diabetes care cascade and their predictors in young and middle-aged population in India: evidence from the National Family Health Survey (2019-21). J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2023;22(2):1405-15.
- Basu Saurav, Malik M., Anand T., Singh A. Hypertension Control Cascade and Regional Performance in India: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Analysis (2015-2021). Cureus. 2023;15(2):e35449.
- Basu Saurav, Sharma H. Media Reporting Relating to COVID-19 Vaccination as a Driver of Vaccine Hesitancy Prior to the Second Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in India: A Content Analysis of Newspaper and Digital Media Reports. Cureus. 2023;15(3):e36750.
- Brhlikova P., Mehta Aashna, McGettigan P., Pollock A. M., Roderick P., Farooqui H. H. Regulatory enforcement of the marketing of fixed-dose combinations in India: a case study of systemic antibiotics. J Pharm Policy Pract. 2023;16(1):139.
- Chopra K. K., Malik Alveena, Indora Abha, Pandey Praveen, Pandey Surabhi. To study the occurrence of risk factors for pulmonary tuberculosis in the homeless population in areas of Delhi, India. Indian J Tuberc. 2023;70(3):356-60.
- Chopra K. K., Pandey Praveen, Malik Alveena, Indora Abha, Pandey Surabhi. Infection control and preventing the transmission of tuberculosis in high-risk centres – recovery shelter for homeless people. Indian J Tuberc. 2023;70(2):158-61.
- Dushyant Kumar, Walia Gagandeep Kaur, Devasenapathy Niveditha. Lung Function and Respiratory Morbidity Among Informal Workers Exposed to Cement Dust: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study. Ann Glob Health. 2023;89(1):47.
- Girotra Siaa, Malik Mansi, Roy Subhanjali, Basu Saurav. Utilization and determinants of adequate quality antenatal care services in India: evidence from the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) (2019-21). BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2023;23(1):800.
- Girotra Siaa, Mohan Neha, Malik Mansi, Roy Subhanjali, Basu Saurav. Prevalence and Determinants of Low Birth Weight in India: Findings From a Nationally Representative Cross-Sectional Survey (2019-21). Cureus. 2023;15(3):e36717.
- Global Burden of Disease Study 2019, Chronic Respiratory Diseases Collaborators:, Golechha Mahaveer, Basu Saurav. Global burden of chronic respiratory diseases and risk factors, 1990-2019: an update from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. EClinicalMedicine. 2023;59(-):101936.
- Global Burden of Disease Study 2019, Meningitis Antimicrobial Resistance Collaborators:, Basu Saurav, Dandona Lalit, Dandona Rakhi, Golechha Mahaveer, Kaur Harkiran. Global, regional, and national burden of meningitis and its aetiologies, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet Neurol. 2023;22(8):685-711.
- Global Burden of Disease Study 2021, Diabetes Collaborators:, Ahmad Danish, Basu Saurav, Dandona Rakhi, Dandona Lalit, Golechha Mahaveer, Pandey Anamika, Zodpey Sanjay P. Global, regional, and national burden of diabetes from 1990 to 2021, with projections of prevalence to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Lancet. 2023;402(10397):203-34.
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